Lisrel 8.7 For Mac: The Ultimate Software for Complex Survey Data Analysis
4 1. Introduction LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is Macintosh software for Structural Equation Modeling, Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling, Multilevel Linear and Nonlinear Modeling and Generalized Linear Modeling. It consists of the Macintosh text editor application LISREL 8.7 that interfaces with the Macintosh applications lisrel, prelis, multilevel and surveyglim. The application prelis can be used for manipulating data, transforming data, generating data, computing moment matrices, computing asymptotic covariance matrices, performing regression analyses, performing exploratory factor analyses, etc. The application lisrel is intended for Standard and Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling. The Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) method for missing data is also available for both Standard and Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling. These methods are available for simple random sample data as well as complex survey data. The application multilevel fits multilevel linear and nonlinear models to raw data. It allows for weights at the different levels of the multilevel hierarchy. The application surveyglim fits Generalized Linear Models (GLIMs) to simple random sample data and complex survey data. This document is intended as a very brief tutorial to familiarize users of LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X with the basic use of the software. Section 2 describes the various files used and generated by LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X. The root window of LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is reviewed in Section 3. In Section 4, the processing of a PRELIS syntax file is demonstrated. Thereafter, submitting a LISREL syntax file, a MULTILEVEL syntax file and a SurveyGLIM syntax file are illustrated in Sections 5, 6 and 7 respectively. Sections 8 and 9 illustrate how to fit a measurement model and a structural equation model to data respectively. The Robust Maximum Likelihood and Weighted Least Squares methods are illustrated in Sections 10 and 11 respectively. 1
Lisrel 8.7 For Mac
5 2. Files LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X uses a PRELIS System File (PSF) to store raw data. In this regard, the application prelis is used to generate PRELIS System Files from text files with raw data. Whenever prelis or lisrel processes a PSF, a Data System File (DSF), which has the same file name as the PSF, is created. This DSF contains all the data information (sample size, labels for observed variables, moment matrix, name of the binary file containing the estimated asymptotic covariance matrix) that lisrel requires to fit structural equation models to the data. A structural equation model can be specified by means of a SIMPLIS syntax file or a LISREL syntax file. SIMPLIS and LISREL syntax files are text files with the default extensions SPL and LS8 respectively. These two file types can access the data from the PSF, the DSF or the text data file. If a user has prepared any of these files, then LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X can be used to fit the specified model to the data specified in the corresponding PSF or DSF. SIMPLIS syntax files are described in Jöreskog & Sörbom (1999c) while the LISREL syntax files are outlined in Jöreskog & Sörbom (1999b). These files are also described in the online Help File of LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X. A PRELIS syntax file is a text file with default extension PR2. PRELIS syntax files are described by Jöreskog & Sörbom (1999a) as well as in the online Help File of LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X. Multilevel Modeling syntax files are also text files with default extension PR2. Multilevel Modeling syntax files are described in Jöreskog et al. (2001). These syntax files are also described in the online Help file of LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X. SurveyGLIM syntax files are described in the online Help file of LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X. The application LISREL 8.7 starts up by opening a root window with ten menus. The File menu can then be used to create new or open existing PRELIS, LISREL, SIMPLIS, MULTILEVEL and SurveyGLIM syntax files and output files. The Start menu is used to open the applications prelis, lisrel, multilevel and surveyglim. 2
8 Actions Locate the application prelis in the folder in which LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is installed. Select the application prelis. Click on the Open button to open prelis. The LISREL option loads the following dialog box. Actions Locate the application lisrel in the folder in which LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is installed. Select the application lisrel. Click on the Open button to open lisrel. The MULTILEVEL option loads the following dialog box. Actions Locate the application multilevel in the folder in which LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is installed. Select the application multilevel. 5
14 5. Submitting a LISREL Syntax File The following steps may be followed to process the LISREL syntax file EX1.LS8 with LISREL 8.7. Select the LISREL option on the Start menu to load the Open: The LISREL Application dialog box. Locate the application lisrel in the folder in which LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is installed. Select the application lisrel. Click on the Open button to load the lisrel Open dialog box. Locate the file EX1.LS8. Select the file EX1.LS8 to produce the following dialog box. Click on the Open button to open the following text editor window. 11
24 Line 1 specifies the source for the raw data file. Lines 2-3 specify the labels for the 3 latent variables. Lines 4-7 specify the measurement model for the 3 latent variables. Line 8 specifies that the results should be reported in the form of the LISREL model for the measurement model. Select the Save As option on the File menu to load the Save As dialog box. Enter the name DEPRESS1.SPL for the SIMPLIS syntax file. Click on the Save button. Close the syntax file window. Select the LISREL option on the Start menu to load the Open: The LISREL Application dialog box. Locate the application lisrel in the folder in which LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is installed. Select the application lisrel. Click on the Open button to open lisrel. Locate the PRELIS syntax file DEPRESS1.SPL. Click on the Open button to open the following output window. 21
25 9. Fitting a Structural Equation Model to raw data The text data file DEPRESS.DAT contains 204 observations of 12 continuous indicators of three latent variables. More specifically, the first 5 indicators (SELF1 to SELF5) are indicators of the latent variable Self-esteem, DEPRES1 to DEPRES4 are indicators of the latent variable Depressiveness and IMPULS1 to IMPULS3 are indicators of the latent variable Impulsiveness. The theoretical measurement model is a CFA model that specifies that the 12 continuous indicators are indeed indicators of Self-esteem, Depressiveness and Impulsiveness. One possible structural model for the three latent variables is a model that suggests that Depressiveness and Impulsiveness are correlated antecedents of Selfesteem. A step-by-step procedure to fit this latent variable model to the text data set follows. Creating DEPRESS.PSF Use the steps in section 7 to create of the PSF DEPRESS.PSF if it has not yet been created. Fitting the structural equation model Select the New option on the File menu to load the New Syntax File window. Enter the following commands one by one. Line 1 specifies the source for the raw data file. Lines 2-3 specify the labels for the 3 latent variables. Lines 4-7 specify the measurement model for the 3 latent variables. Lines 8-9 specify the structural model for the latent variables. Line 10 specifies that the results should be reported in the form of the LISREL model for the structural equation model. Select the Save As option on the File menu to load the Save As dialog box. Enter the name DEPRESS2.SPL for the SIMPLIS syntax file. Click on the Save button. Close the syntax file window. Select the LISREL option on the Start menu to load the Open: The LISREL Application dialog box. Locate the application lisrel in the folder in which LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is installed. 22
29 Line 1 specifies the source for the binary summary data file. Lines 2-3 specify the labels for the 3 latent variables. Lines 4-7 specify the measurement model for the 3 latent variables. Lines 8-9 specify the structural model for the latent variables. Line 10 specifies that the results should be reported in the form of the LISREL model for the structural equation model. Select the Save As option on the File menu to load the Save As dialog box. Enter the name DEPRESS3.SPL for the SIMPLIS syntax file. Click on the Save button. Close the syntax file window. Select the LISREL option on the Start menu to load the Open: The LISREL Application dialog box. Locate the application lisrel in the folder in which LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is installed. Select the application lisrel. Click on the Open button to open lisrel. Locate the PRELIS syntax file DEPRESS3.SPL. Click on the Open button to open the following output window. 26
30 11. Weighted Least Squares Browne (1982, 1984) formulated an Asymptotically Distribution Free (ADF) method for covariance structures. This method is implemented in LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X as Weighted Least Squares (WLS) and extended to correlation structures. To implement this method, the user needs to compute the Asymptotic Covariance Matrix (ACM) of the sample variances and covariances or sample correlations. A step-by-step procedure to implement the WLS method in LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X for the structural equation model of sections 4 and 5 may be described as follows. Creating DEPRESS.DSF Generate the Data System File (DSF) DEPRESS.DSF exactly as described in section 9 if it has not yet been generated. The Weighted Least Squares method Select the New option on the File menu to load the New Syntax File window. Enter the following commands one by one. Line 1 specifies the source for the binary summary data file. Lines 2-3 specify the labels for the 3 latent variables. Lines 4-7 specify the measurement model for the 3 latent variables. Lines 8-9 specify the structural model for the latent variables. Line 10 specifies that the results should be reported in the form of the LISREL model for the structural equation model. Select the Save As option on the File menu to load the Save As dialog box. Enter the name DEPRESS4.SPL for the SIMPLIS syntax file. Click on the Save button. Close the syntax file window. Select the LISREL option on the Start menu to load the Open: The LISREL Application dialog box. Locate the application lisrel in the folder in which LISREL 8.7 for Mac OS 9 and X is installed. Select the application lisrel. Click on the Open button to open lisrel. Locate the PRELIS syntax file DEPRESS4.SPL. Click on the Open button to open the following output window. 27 2ff7e9595c