What is Promise Dad book in hindi and why you need to read it: Free download available
If you're looking for a fun way to help your kids memorize the books of the Bible, you'll want to check out these Sunday school song videos from Seeds Family Worship. You can download the Old Testament Books of the Bible song or the New Testament Books of the Bible Song from WorshipHouseKids to use this weekend. You can also order the Books Of The Bible 12-Week Curriculum if you're interested in a curriculum that will help all the kids in your ministry memorize all of the books of the Bible. Back To Top
God's love endureth forever- / What a wonderful thing you know / When the tides of life run against you / And your spirit is downcast and low... / God's kindness is ever around you, / Always ready to freely impart / Strength to your faltering spirit, / Cheer to your lonely heart... / God's presence is ever beside you, / As near as the reach of your hand, / You have but to tell Him your troubles, / There is nothing He won't understand... / And knowing God's love is unfailing, / And His mercy unending and great, / You have but to trust in His promise- / "God comes not too soon or too late"... / So wait with a heart that is patient / For the goodness of God to prevail- / For never do prayers go unanswered, / And His mercy and love never fail.
Promise Dad book in hindi free download
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